15th International Conference
Transport & Sedimentation
of Solid Particles

6-9 September 2011
Wroclaw, Poland
March 14, 2025 PRESENTATION TIME - 15 min DISCUSSION TIME - 5 min

The conference will be held in Wroclaw, the 4th largest city in Poland, the administrative, educational, business and cultural capital of Lower Silesia. Wroclaw is one of the oldest and most beautiful cities in Poland, located at the foot of the Sudetes, on the Oder River, by its numerous tributaries and canals. It is a unique city of 12 islands and over a hundred bridges. As the largest university center in the country Wroclaw hosts over 140 thousand students.

Rich and tumultuous history of the city is inscribed on its walls. Cathedral Island recalls early medieval times. It has been preserved in excellent condition and today is one of the finest example of religious architecture in Europe. Another relic of that period - Wroclaw Town Hall - is one of the finest Gothic buildings in the central Europe. In Wroclaw one can also see the biggest baroque interior in Poland which has survived to modern times - Aula Leopoldina - an assembly hall located in the eighteenth-century building of the University of Wroclaw.

Wroclaw is a city of greenery. Among the most attractive places are Szczytnicki Park founded in the eighteenth century, an original Japanese garden and the Botanical Garden called �an oasis of calm� by the inhabitants of Wroclaw.

Guests of Wroclaw mention it primarily as a thriving center of culture. Theatre, opera, musical theatre, concert hall and numerous clubs, museums and galleries provide a continuous flow of artistic events.

The Institute of Environmental Engineering conducts studies in the fields corresponding to its research and scientific activity. Research studies, expertise and opinions are also performed for industry as well as for national and local administration. The pipe installation available at the institute is used for research on mixture flows on semi-technological scale. Models and prognoses of flood wave transformations are also prepared at the Institute. Installation for studying flows in vertical pipelines in deep-sea mining, e.g. for nodule mining from ocean beds, is also available at the institute.

Source materials: the official website of Wroclaw - http://www.um.wroc.pl